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Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Burger King 3.2

So I'm in Burger King again, right? This is probably about a month or so after the milk shake incident. I notice Cisco behind the register as I'm approaching. In front of me is a man, seemingly in a huge hurry, and he says loud enough for all to hear, "I don't want this man taking my order. Can I get somebody else?" I find this curious as I thought I was the only one feeling troubled by Cisco's capabilities. Of course, I had given the benefit of the doubt when I first arrived that the training was now over for him since it's been a month or more. Now I'm nervous again. Does this man know something I don't?

Well, it's finally my turn after the hurried fellow orders one of everything. I step up, order and I'm given the total by Cisco. I thumb through some bills and change and then I hesitate. It occurs to me that I want to pay in an odd fashion so that I can get the change I want back instead of excess change filling my pocket. There's nothing wrong with the idea, I'm sure, except that it's me and it's Cisco. People who know me are well aware that I am pretty quick with math, and in this instance that's what caused me to make up my mind to go ahead with my plan. I present the money to Cisco, knowing full well what the change should be. He struggles a bit with the concept while I wait patiently. As he hands me the change, I already know it's wrong. I correct him and he looks at me as if I've lost my mind. I explain to him what I was trying to accomplish, the amount I gave him, and what the correct change should be. He apparently begins to think I'm short changing him since no one could possibly be that quick and accurate with math. Everybody's like him I guess...

Eventually, a manager comes over and I retell the story to him and the incident is over. What I'm trying to figure out now is why I went to so much trouble when Cisco gave me too much money back...

No Really,


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