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Location: Kansas City, MO, United States

Friday, June 17, 2005

Did I Say Following...

Well, this time the story of following is a little different. See, I had been "following" a car from Kearney to Platte City, Missouri which is about a total of 30 miles. I didn't know the driver in front of me, but it just happened that we had been going the same way. The highway, 92 highway, is only one lane going each direction so there wasn't much in the way of passing or other cars moving in and around us. It was just the two of us for 30 miles. Isn't that sweet? The driver in front of me was probably thinking he'd seen enough of me in the rear view mirror.

Anyway, as we pulled into the city limits of Platte City, an officer goes by us and then I see him, in my rear view mirror, whip his car around, flip his lights on, and the next thing I know I've been pulled over for speeding. When the officer approached my car, he asked me the regular questions like, "What's your hurry?" All the questions had the same flaw, though. They all assumed I was speeding. So I asked him how fast he clocked me and he responded with a figure that was about 10 mph faster than I was actually going. I do admit I was going about three or four miles over the limit as is common for many people, but what put me on the defensive was my knowledge of following the guy in front of me. So, I asked the officer how fast the car in front of me was going. He said the other driver was considerably less than me. I responded, telling him I had been following him for the last 30 miles, specifically since Kearney. How could our speeds be so diverse? He simply looked at me and said, "You were gaining on him." I thought, yeah, I've been slowly gaining on him for the last 30 miles, and once I entered this vicinity, I suddenly threw it into overdrive so I could run my car up the butt of the driver in front of me. You know, sometimes I wish I could really say the things I'm thinking...and you know, get arrested or something...

All I did say was that my odometer must be broken because I never saw my speed reach the levels he was claiming, which was the truth. There must be something about the fact that he was clocking me while moving in the opposite direction as me. Either way, he gave me a warning for the speeding, but he gave me a ticket for not wearing a seat belt. Yes, I know, but this was before I became a convert to wearing seat belts (this is explained in another story to come). Point is, I shouldn't have been pulled over at all.

No Really,


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