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Location: Kansas City, MO, United States

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Would You Like To Come In For A Cup Of Coffee...

Some are aware that I have a paranoia that cops are always out to get me. I think you'd start to feel that way if you had been followed home, twice.

That's right, I've been followed clear to my house by officers, waiting for me to screw up. The first time wasn't that big a deal as I wasn't truly positive they weren't just going the exact same way as me. I mean, they didn't follow me for that long.

The second time, though, I knew it was a fact. From the highway to my house where I lived at the time there are many turns. Even as the crow flies, the distance was more than a mile. Once you go around by way of the roads, you begin to realize how much it became obvious. It became obvious enough to me that when I reached my street and turned I thought about seeing how long I could get the officer to follow me by going passed my house. Instead, I just decided to call it off and turn into my driveway. What I see in my mirror is the officer pulls to a stop, momentarily, and then decides to move on.

No Really,


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