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Location: Kansas City, MO, United States

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Not Me, But Still Good...

I’ve always remembered my brother’s first car when it comes to automobiles and driving so I figured it was ok to add a proxy story.

He bought a Chrysler Newport, “the boat,” for $250.00 from someone in the local area. It wasn’t pretty, but it was paid for. Anyway, it gets parked outside on the road beside the house the day it gets brought home (we always had cars parked on the road because our driveway was at a 45 degree angle).

Within less than 24 hours of the purchase of the vehicle, a girl from the neighborhood comes barreling down a hill and fails to make the turn near our house. She slams into the back of my brother’s “new” car. She was slightly injured but, overall, was ok. Insurance information was exchanged and “the boat” was given an estimate on repairs from a local body shop. It barely had a dent.

The bill came to $250.00. The car was never fixed as the dent wasn’t that big a deal and it became a free car.

No Really,


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